Navigating the ‘Nasi iSpani’ Initiative: Your Comprehensive FAQ Guide
In the spirit of advancing employment and economic growth within Gauteng, the Provincial Government, under Premier Panyaza Lesufi’s leadership, has embarked on a robust employment initiative, ‘Nasi iSpani.’ Offering thousands of job opportunities across various departments, the initiative aims to reduce unemployment and instil hope amongst Gauteng’s residents.
As expected, with such a significant development, many individuals seeking to take advantage of this grand opportunity have numerous queries about the process, roles, and other critical aspects of the initiative. Clarity and transparency is important in ensuring the initiative’s success and broad participation. Therefore, to address these queries and ensure potential applicants have the necessary information, we have listed the most frequently asked questions about the ‘Nasi iSpani’ initiative based directly on the official FAQ document attached below.
Arming yourself with the correct information is the first step in securing a position within the Gauteng Provincial Government. Read on to see answers to some questions you may have relating to this employment initiative.
Nasi iSpani Frequently Asked Questions![Nasi iSpani questions]()
What types of jobs are advertised?
The job offering is quite diverse, including management, professional roles, administrative positions, and general worker roles. This broad range ensures that individuals with varied skill sets and experience levels can find opportunities that match their qualifications.
When can we apply for the jobs?
Applications opened on the 16th of June 2023 and will close on the 14th of July 2023.
Where can we apply for the jobs?
Jobs are listed on the Gauteng government website: However, if you’re unable to apply online, hard copy applications can be hand-delivered to the respective departments until the 14th of July 2023.
I don’t have access to the internet. Are there centres I can access to apply online?
Yes, there are designated centres open from 8:00 to 16:00 across all five corridors of the Gauteng province (Johannesburg, Tshwane, Ekurhuleni, West Rand, Sedibeng). Officials are present in these centres to assist with the application process.
At the centre, how many jobs can a person apply for?
You can apply for one job at the centres. However, you can still apply for more jobs online until the 14th of July 2023.
What documents must accompany the application?
All applications must include a detailed CV and a completed and signed Z83 form.
Who can apply for this job?
The initiative is open to all Gauteng residents.
Where are the jobs located?
The jobs are spread across the five corridors of the Gauteng province: Johannesburg, Tshwane, Ekurhuleni, West Rand, and Sedibeng.
How long will it take to complete an online application?
An online application should take approximately 15 to 30 minutes to complete.
Who do we contact in case we have more questions?
Each advertised post has details of a person to contact for further inquiries. For other general inquiries, you can reach out at 0800 22 88 27 or SMS *134 * 47472#.
Are the jobs permanent or temporary?
All the jobs advertised are permanent, except where otherwise indicated.
Do people need to pay for these jobs?
No, all government jobs are free. If anyone demands money for these job opportunities, please report it immediately to the GPG Hotline 0800 22 88 27.
The ‘Nasi iSpani’ initiative provides a golden opportunity for job seekers in the Gauteng province. Understanding the application process and requirements is the first step in taking advantage of these job opportunities. Less talk, more work – let’s grow Gauteng together!